daith piercing for migraines

Daith Piercing: Everything to Know About Daith Piercings

Daith Piercing: Everything to Know About Daith Piercings

A daith piercing might be something you’ve thought of if you’re searching for a modest yet distinctive way to adorn your ear.

Since there is conflicting evidence that daith piercings can also relieve migraines and anxiety, you might also be considering getting one for medicinal purposes.

daith piercing for migraines
daith piercing for migraines

For whatever reason, you undoubtedly want to know what to expect and whether getting a daith piercing hurts.

Daith piercings go through the cartilage fold that separates your inner and outer ears, rather than hanging off the lobe.

This ear portion is curled and thicker. This makes it a delicate and occasionally uncomfortable place to penetrate.

One of the ear piercings that takes the longest to obtain is a daith piercing.

Additionally, the healing process is fairly drawn out, and during that period, infection is a possibility.

What are daith piercings?

A daith piercing (pronounced /ˈdʌθ/) is a type of ear piercing that goes through the crus of the helix, the deepest cartilage fold in the ear.

Their name itself means “knowledge” or “knowing” in English, and they have roots in Jewish tradition.

In the inner curving fold, which is situated above the ear canal, are cartilage piercings known as daith piercings.

Anecdotally, daith piercings are also said to provide health advantages.

The needle used for the piercing is often hollow and straight. Rings with captive beads are the most popular kind of jewelry.

Some people think that people with daith piercings could be cured of anxiety and persistent headaches.

The placebo effect is blamed for any observed effects, yet there is no proof to support this assertion.

Over the past 20 years, Daith piercings have grown in popularity.

Some people believe these piercings can alleviate migraine symptoms, which could be a contributing factor.

People who suffer from migraines should consider getting daith piercings instead of taking medication.

Before you get your piercing:

If you are concerned about the level of discomfort that you may experience during the piercing process, you may want to suggest to the piercer that they apply a numbing lotion or spray.

A numbing cream can be used to prepare the ear for the procedure.

Additionally, to lower the pain, get enough sleep the night before your piercing, and don’t get pierced after drinking alcohol.

To help you forget about the pain, you could wish to meditate, listen to music, or have a conversation with your piercer before or after your piercing.

Make sure the piercer you choose has a license, is using clean equipment, and operates out of a clean facility.

  • To reduce the possibility of an allergic reaction:
  • Wear gold-toned titanium jewelry.
  • Stainless steel
  • Niobium
  • Nickel jewelry is the most common cause of allergic responses.

Daith piercing jewelry

There are countless alternatives available when it comes to daith jewelry, including ring-style pieces like hoops, heart-shaped rings, and captive bead hoops.

These are a few of the most popular options:

Captive bead rings (CBRs) are circular hoop earrings with a bead hung in the middle, giving the piercing a straightforward yet striking appearance.

Hoops: Since hoops hug the cartilage and are incredibly adaptable, they are a popular choice for a daith.

Barbell: Another option for daith piercings is a barbell, especially one that is curved.

Like a real barbell weight, the barbell is a metal bar with balls on the ends.

It is possible to slide the bar through the piercing by removing one of the balls.

Clicker earrings: Designed to resemble a standard hoop, these earrings feature a spring-loaded clicking mechanism that makes wearing and taking them off simple.

What is the aftercare for a daith piercing?

We would advise the following measures to guarantee a good healing process for your daith piercing:

  • You should not listen to music or use headphones while your daith piercing is healing.

By doing this, you’ll prevent the jewelry from being forced farther into your ear, which could irritate it and cause pain, slowing down the healing process.

  • Use a sterile saline solution to gently clean your new piercing twice a day; we recommend using a Neilmed piercing mist.

Make sure to dry the area afterward, as moisture might harbor bacteria; a hairdryer set to the cool setting works nicely for this.

  • To prevent snagging the jewelry, exercise extra caution when taking off clothing and styling hair.
  • Use a donut travel pillow or sleep on the side opposite your piercing.
  • While the piercing is still new, stay out of the pool, hot tub, and lake for two to three weeks.
  • About six weeks later, schedule a standard check-up consultation with your piercer.

They will determine whether you need to have your stud’s post resized; once the initial swelling has gone, this can aid in the healing process.

  • Finally, try your best to leave it alone and let the healing process happen naturally.

Daith piercing pain

In light of the thickness of the cartilage, daith piercings are sometimes described as being of a moderately painful nature.

Nevertheless, these are hardly the most excruciating piercings available.

Daith piercing healing time

Six to nine months

It typically takes six to nine months for daith piercings to recover completely.

Because the hard cartilage takes longer to heal, this procedure takes longer than lobe piercings.

We believe the mending process is well worth the wait, even though it takes a bit longer.

Daith piercing healing stages

A daith piercing may take up to nine months to heal.

That’s a long time, particularly when you consider that an earlobe piercing only requires a month or two.

It’s usual to have some redness, bruising, or pain during the healing process. With time, your daith piercing will become less painful.

Daith-piercing benefits

The vagus nerve is said to link to the innermost cartilage of the ears, which explains why those with chronic anxiety may benefit from a daith piercing.

It is hoped that cartilage piercings may aid in weight loss and the relief of migraines and anxiety.

Daith piercing migraine

Over the previous 20 years, Daith piercings have gained popularity as an alternative treatment for migraine headaches.

The practice of acupuncture in Eastern medicine is the source of the belief.

Although some piercing users report beneficial results, there is no scientific proof that this is a reliable pain therapy, and any apparent benefits could be the result of a placebo.

How could the pain from a daith piercing be relieved?

According to one theory, the piercing may have an effect on the vagus nerve, which runs from your brain into your body.

It is believed that the earring’s continuous pressure on this one area will block your body’s pain receptors, like acupuncture.

Acupuncture is occasionally used to treat migraines, and part of the treatment involves your therapist applying pressure to a small area on your ear that is close to the site of your daith piercings.

You cannot, however, be certain that the piercing was made there.

In summary, daith piercings are not advised as a treatment by medical professionals who treat migraines and other headache conditions.

They might even pose a threat.

Daith piercing for anxiety

It is hoped that cartilage piercings may aid in weight loss and the relief of migraines and anxiety.

Nevertheless, there is currently insufficient evidence to demonstrate that a daith piercing or any other piercing reduces anxiety or relieves its symptoms.

Should you choose to have a daith piercing?

Exercise maximum caution if you choose to acquire one for the sole purpose of testing it or simply admiring its aesthetic appeal.

  • To acquire a daith or any other kind of body piercing, find a competent piercer.

Though the laws governing who can pierce ears vary from state to state, look for someone who is licensed.

  • Before you begin, make sure you have confidence in your piercer and are comfortable with the procedure.
  • Inform your physician of your consideration for a daith piercing so that any possible health hazards can be discussed.
  • Every piercing workshop needs to have a separate space for piercings and be well-lit, air-conditioned, and hygienic.
  • Before and after the procedure, the piercer should be able to wash their hands in a sink.
  • Paper towels, not reusable cloth towels, and liquid soap should also be available.
  • Every piece of equipment must be brand new, thoroughly sterilized, and kept in its original, sealed packaging.
  • Be careful not to get pierced in a public bathroom or someone’s house.
Can your body reject a daith piercing?

One of the ways our bodies fight off illnesses is by alerting us to the presence of alien substances, organisms, and even people.

Since our ears are pierced through with a foreign object, the antibodies may choose to reject it—especially if the piercing is too shallow.

When a piercing starts to reject, you’ll notice that the piercing starts to migrate and move away from your body and that the skin around or above the jewelry becomes thinner and tighter than it was previously.

Take into account the skin’s color in the vicinity of the puncture as well.

This is probably an indication of rejection if it starts to change, turn transparent, or become almost transparent.

The best course of action is to get professional assistance and remove your daith piercing entirely if your body begins to reject it.

Side effects of daith piercing

Blood infection: On the more serious end of things, getting a blood infection from a piercing can lead to hepatitis C.

A reputable, licensed piercer should always use a clean needle.

Ear anatomy: Daith piercings depend more on the individuality of the cartilage and the size and form of the ear because they are placed on the cartilage rather than the earlobes.

If it’s even possible to pierce, it will depend on the form of the ear, specifically the anatomy.

Infections and inflammations: Ear cartilage piercings raise the risk of infection and can cause a painful condition known as chondritis, an inflammation of the cartilage.

By taking good care of a newly acquired piercing, you can lower the risk.

Keloids are thick, pink scars that grow permanently after piercing a region. Be cautious of them.

If you have a family or personal history of keloid formation, you may want to reconsider getting anyone pierced because these lesions can be quite challenging to heal.


Daith piercings are a popular technique to adorn the ears and may even improve your health if you suffer from anxiety or migraines.

In comparison to other ear piercings, these are substantially more painful and require a significant amount of healing time.

To lessen your level of pain, there are things you can do both before and after your piercing.

Being patient and following your piercer’s suggested aftercare instructions are essential for a positive daith piercing experience.

You might want to think about getting a different ear piercing if you’re concerned about the pain associated with a daith piercing.

Many other piercing options are probably less painful, even though you can make sure your daith piercing causes as little pain as possible.

daith piercing for migraines
daith piercing for migraines


Where can I get a daith piercing near me?

Check online to find studios near you.

Is a tooth piercing very painful?

The thickness of the cartilage in daith piercings makes them moderately unpleasant.

Then again, they’re not the most agonizing piercings available.

What are the benefits of a daith piercing?

Proponents of Daith piercing claim that the piercing continuously stimulates an acupuncture pressure point that practitioners have linked to anxiety and mood.

What are the risks of getting a daith piercing?

Immediate pain, swelling, laceration, erythema, allergic reaction, contact dermatitis, deformity, hypertrophic scar, keloid, and perichondritis are some effects that are not a result of an infection.

Delayed healing may occur because the cartilage where the piercing is located has a weak blood supply.

What is the spiritual meaning of the daith piercing?

Many cultures view the daith piercing as a symbol of bravery and tenacity.

For some, it represents a turning point in their lives or a metaphor for personal growth.

Some people believe that the Daith piercing has spiritual significance and serves as a reminder of a higher power or a symbol of inner peace.

What are the three most painful piercings?

This is a list of potential pain levels for each form of piercing, from most to least painful:

  • One of the body parts with the highest density of nerves is your genitalia.
  • The pain threshold for a breast piercing. Another sensitive place that is frequently pierced is the n*pple.
  • Pain level from a nose piercing
  • Pain from a dermal piercing
Can you use AirPods with a daith piercing?

Yes, as soon as it has fully healed.

What is the most painful piercing you can get?

With hundreds of nerve endings, the clitoris is also extremely sensitive.

A clitoris piercing may hurt far more than any other piercing, even if you consider yourself to be fairly pain-tolerant.

What’s the most painful ear piercing to get?

The tiny, curving section of cartilage that sits between your ear lobe and tragus is where the anti-tragus piercing is situated.

The anti-tragus, although appealing, is one of the most sensitive placements available, scoring a 6-7/10 on the pain scale.

What piercing stops anxiety?

Piercing the daith may help with anxiety.

It is thought that the piercing’s ability to maintain homeostasis reduces anxiety since anxiety disturbs homeostasis.

Although many people call themselves professional piercers, some acupuncturists have doubts about inexperienced piercers performing Daith piercings.

Can a daith piercing go wrong?

The risks associated with daith piercings are similar to those of other ear piercings, and they fall into two categories: infectious and non-infective.

Ear piercings have been linked to a variety of infectious problems, including perichondritis, cellulitis, abscesses, and infective endocarditis.

What is the difference between a tragus and a daith piercing?

Above the ear canal is a cartilage fold known as the daith.

The triangle-shaped piece of cartilage to the side of the hole, below the daith, is called the tragus.

To pierce either area, a stud or hoop must go through the hole the needle made in the cartilage.

Can daith piercing cause hearing loss?

Permanent hearing loss is not the result of an ear piercing.

There is nevertheless a slim chance that an infection from your piercing could cause temporary hearing loss as one of its symptoms.

Nearer to the ear canal, piercings have a higher chance of experiencing this.


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