Blind Pimple

Blind Pimple ~ How to Get Rid of With Treatment

Blind Pimple: How to Get Rid of With Treatment

Do you know what it’s like to have a pimple that nobody can see but that feels painful, tense, and buried deep under the skin?

A place that, even without a “head,” is sensitive to touch? If so, you’ve probably heard of something called blind pimples.

Blind Pimple
Blind Pimple

Although we are aware of how unpleasant blind pimples may be, what exactly are they?

According to experts, an obstruction of an oil gland that causes an inflammatory response is the same thing that causes both blind pimples and common blemishes.

The primary distinction is that in the event of a blind pimple, the infection becomes deeply embedded in the skin; as a result, pressure may build up and result in discomfort.

Medical professionals refer to blind pimples as pimples with subcutaneous edema because they form beneath the skin.

These little lumps, which can be unpleasant, inflammatory, and reddish, may be noticeable to you.

Continue reading to learn the causes of blind pimples and how to treat them.

What is a blind pimple?

Any zit that develops beneath the surface of the skin is known as a “blind pimple.”

Blind pimples occur beneath the skin’s surface, in contrast to other forms of pimples that manifest as a visible whitehead, blackhead, or red bump.

From beneath the surface of your skin, some blind pimples will “erupt” into a noticeable blemish at some point.

While others disappear without a trace. Blind pimples frequently appear on the chest, upper back, or face.

If you run your finger over the surface of your skin, you might be able to feel a blind pimple.

But feeling a bump isn’t always possible. It might hurt and irritate you to have blind pimples.

However, a blind zit can decrease with a few treatments, such as topical creams and warm compresses.

Stages of a blind pimple

Blind pimples start small and unnoticeable but as time goes on, they develop into visible pimples. See the stages below:

  • Stage 1: plugged pore caused by skin cells, oil, and debris
  • Stage 2: bacteria accumulates
  • Stage 3: a painful bump forms
  • Stage 4: a pimple bursts out

Blind pimples under the skin

Zits forming beneath the epidermis are referred to as “blind pimples.”

They might remain below the surface of your skin, producing discomfort and inflammation.

Alternatively, they could appear as a red lump, blackhead, or whitehead that breaks the skin’s surface.

Warm compresses and lotions that combat acne are part of the treatment.

Blind pimple on chin ~ Blind pimple on nose

The face, especially the chin, forehead area, and nose, is where blind or subsurface pimples most frequently appear.

They can also occur on the chest or upper back.

Running your finger over the surface of your skin will usually reveal a bump, but this isn’t always the case while looking for blind pimples.

It is not the proper way to get rid of a blind pimple, so you should avoid attempting to pop them.

This is especially important for pimples on your forehead, nose, and chin since they can cause inflammation and scarring as well as drive the contents of the pimple further into the skin.

Because touch and makeup are two major contributing elements to the formation of blind pimples, you might notice that they appear more frequently on your forehead, chin, and nose

What causes blind pimples? ~ Blind pimple causes

Blind pimples appear when your skin’s pores clog, just like other forms of pimples.

Small holes in your skin are called pores. They are also known as hair follicles by medical professionals.

Bacteria can cause them to become obstructed. Your body produces sebum, or oil, to keep your skin hydrated.

Sebum and skin cells accumulate beneath the skin’s surface and develop pus if your body produces excessive amounts of sebum or if you don’t properly clean your skin.

It gets stuck and is unable to exit your body through the surface of your skin. An inflammatory and painful pimple emerges.

Numerous reasons can lead to clogged pores and excess sebum production, such as:

Family background: You are more likely to get acne and blind pimples if your parents did.

Hormonal shifts: Teens going through puberty, or teenage development, are more likely to get acne because of these hormonal changes.

Acne is more common in women who are pregnant or go through their monthly cycle.

Medication: Some medications, like corticosteroids, can either induce or exacerbate blind pimples.

Sweat: Engaging in activities that cause perspiration, particularly when a helmet, headgear, or tight clothing is being worn, can exacerbate acne.

Skincare items: Zits can result from clogged pores caused by heavy lotions and creams.

Stress levels: Stress and anxiety raise cortisol levels, which in turn leads to an increase in sebum production and breakouts.

Nodular acne, a severe form of acne, can result in elevated red bumps and several blind pimples.

These excruciating nodules, sometimes known as blind pimples, are hard beneath the skin and contain pus and bacteria.

You might occasionally have a blind zit. Alternatively, you can have a lot of blind pimples that take months to heal.

What are the symptoms of blind pimples?

The following are some indicators that you might have a blind pimple:

  • A tiny bulge or lump that occasionally feels under your skin
  • Discomfort or pain surrounding the bump.
  • Redness, swelling, or inflammation in the affected area
  • The origin of some whiteheads and blackheads is deep within the skin as a blind pimple.

It could start as a red lump and grow into a “head” in the middle. Usually, the head is black, white, or yellow.

How to treat blind pimples ~ Home remedies for blind pimples

Although treating blind pimples can be difficult, there are numerous at-home treatments you can attempt.

Before using any at-home therapy, ensure that your hands are always clean.

Never squeeze or burst: Blind zits are too deep below the skin’s surface to burst.

Attempting will just make them angrier and increase the risk of infection or scars.

Try to compress the zit to allow it to come out of the skin using alternative methods of treatment rather than popping it.

Try putting a warm compress on it. Warm compresses can relieve discomfort.

Additionally, once a whitehead starts to form, they are helpful.

Three to four times a day, for ten to fifteen minutes, apply the warm compress. This facilitates pus release and the healing of the pimple.

Use ice. Ice can help with edema and pain relief.

When a zit starts to appear, wrap an ice cube in paper and apply it to the affected area for five to ten minutes.

The next two times, wait 10 minutes between each application.

Put on a spot treatment for your pimples: A little medicinal bandage applied directly to the visible pimple is called an acne patch.

They usually include salicylic acid and other acne-fighting ingredients.

You may buy acne patches online or at pharmacies. Make sure you adhere to the usage instructions precisely.

Douse with tea tree oil: Use a product with at least 5% tea tree oil in it for best results. Apply twice daily until the blackhead fully disappears.

Don’t forget to first dilute tea tree oil with carrier oil, such as olive oil. It is safe to use tea tree oil daily.

Use unprocessed honey. Honey’s inherent antibacterial qualities aid in the removal of microorganisms.

It might aid in the treatment of acne and other skin disorders.

On the afflicted area, apply a small amount and leave it on overnight. You may also use raw honey as a cleaner by mixing it with water.

Treatments for Blind Pimples

Both OTC and prescription medications exist to help with cystic acne. Furthermore, several acne remedies don’t include medication.

Topical therapies: The term “topical” refers to skin-related therapies.

Topical treatments are usually tried initially when treating blind pimples. Typical topical treatments for acne include:

  • Benzoyl peroxide.
  • Retinoids
  • Antimicrobials
Oral Treatments

Your dermatologist may recommend oral medication if your severe cystic acne is not improving with topical therapies.

Tablet antibiotics: To lessen microorganisms in the skin from the inside out, certain antibiotics are utilized.

Among the most prevalent kinds are:

  • Clindamycin (such as Cleocin)
  • Doxycycline
  • Erythromycin (such as E-Mycin)
  • Minocycline

Hormone treatments: Women who suffer from acne are frequently administered hormonal treatments.

If you’re not currently using oral contraceptives, your dermatologist or primary care physician may recommend them.

The synthetic steroidal androgen receptor blocker spironolactone is another often-used hormonal therapy option.

Co-cyprinid aids in lowering sebum production. It is usually administered when antibiotics are ineffective in treating severe acne.

Other treatments for blind pimples

Many therapies for acne don’t include medication. These consist of:

Shots of corticosteroids: Your dermatologist may administer a corticosteroid injection to treat nodules, deep-seated acne cysts, or painful blind pimples.

This lessens the chance of scarring and expedites healing.

Synthetic peels: Chemical peels are a type of skin resurfacing technique that functions by exfoliating the epidermis.

Luminous treatment: In situations of acne, phototherapy using visible light—more especially, blue light—has been demonstrated to improve skin condition.

Topical lotion: When applied twice a day, clascoterone, a topical antiandrogen cream, may lessen acne blemishes.

How to get rid of a blind pimple overnight

Apply tea tree oil to the blind pimple using a cotton swab after diluting it with carrier oil, like jojoba oil.

After leaving it on all night, rinse it off the next morning.

Applying aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, or honey to the afflicted area are some other natural therapies.

How to pop a blind pimple with a pin

Never attempt to squeeze or burst a blind pimple.

This causes further inflammation and raises the possibility of infection by pushing the oil and germs deeper.

Picking at or squeezing a blind pimple can result in acne scars, which can cause additional breakouts.

The pimple turned into a hard lump under the skin

One severe kind of acne is nodular acne. Deep under your skin, it causes hard lumps or knots called nodules to form.

The nodules begin beneath the skin’s surface and manifest as red pimples.

Usually, the core of these lumps is free of a whitehead or blackhead.

Prevention of blind pimple

To prevent bacteria from building up and being transferred to the skin while sleeping, it is important to frequently wash pillowcases.

Even though blind pimples seem to arise overnight, there are things you can do to avoid them. One can:

Wash their face just twice a day or whenever they feel sweaty to lessen their risk of getting pimples.

If washed more frequently, skin that is prone to blind pimples may get inflamed.

Do not scrub your face. Skin prone to pimples may seem oily or unclean, but it shouldn’t be completely cleansed.

Scrubbing can exacerbate acne by aggravating the skin even more.

Make use of skin care products that prevent breakouts. Seek out goods with the labels “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” or “non-acnegenic.”

Wash pillowcases and other face-contact objects regularly. Pore blockage can result from bacteria and dead skin cells accumulating on textiles.

Consulting a dermatologist can help: A dermatologist can assist if blind pimples worsen or persist daily.

Blind pimples that won’t go away

After attempting these blind pimple treatment strategies for months and still having obstinate subsurface pimples, we advise seeing a personal specialist to assist you in finding customized therapy for your particular case of blind pimples.

If the underlying blind pimple is very inflamed or if you are experiencing symptoms of infection like fever or sweats, you should consult a medical professional.


When you take care of blind pimples the right way, they usually go away in a week or two.

However, they can cause pain and irritation and remain under your skin for a few months.

In extreme circumstances, the oil and dead skin cells may clog the pores beneath your skin, trapping germs and leading to illness.

Blind pimples can cause excruciating pain. However, most blind zits disappear after a week or two.

See your healthcare practitioner if you have multiple blind pimples or if you are still experiencing discomfort or irritation.

A dermatologist may be needed to treat the type of acne you have.

Wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser and stay away from lotions and makeup that clog pores to prevent these irritating breakouts.

Blind Pimple
Blind Pimple
What do I do if I pop a blind pimple?

June suggests, “If you pop it, clean the area with mild soap and water and leave the area alone.”

“If you’re experiencing significant pain or swelling and didn’t manage to pop it, consider applying a warm compress and try to avoid causing additional irritability.”

How do you get rid of a blind pimple?

Acne stickers and warm compresses can help push a pimple to the surface, allowing germs, dead skin cells, and sebum to come out.

Applying cold helps reduce swelling.

Seeking assistance from a dermatologist is recommended if blind pimples are painful and prone to inflammation.

Do blind pimples go away?

With the right care, blind pimples typically disappear in a week or two.

However, they can cause pain and irritation and remain under your skin for a few months.

In extreme circumstances, the oil and dead skin cells may clog the pores beneath your skin, trapping germs and leading to illness.

What causes blind pimples?

When sebum (oil), germs, and dirt get lodged deep within a hair follicle, blind pimples can occur.

The ultimate consequence is a painful lump beneath your skin that lacks the characteristic “head” that other pimples may have.

Compared to people with dry skin, those with oily skin may be more susceptible to blind pimples.

How do you flatten a blind pimple fast?

Warm compresses

For five to ten minutes, place the damp washcloth over your blind zit. This aids in the pimple’s pus removal.

For optimal effects, June advises using a warm compress several times a day for five to ten minutes at a time.

“If you follow that, you’ll notice a reduction in the size and discomfort of your pimple.”

Do blind pimples leave scars?

Cystic acne, which is another name for these unseen zits, may be extremely painful and, whether or not it comes to a head, leaves a scar when it goes away.

Blind acne typically goes away on its own in a few weeks to a month if treatment is not received.

How do you stop a pimple from growing?

There are a variety of methods that may be used to lessen the intensity of acne or even get rid of zits completely:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Removing makeup twice a day.
  • Give up stroking your face.
  • Steer clear of heavy makeup, shower after perspiration, and treat pimples.
  • Spot remedies.
How do I prevent blind pimples on my face?
  • Cleanse your face in the morning, at night, and after perspiring.
  • Squeezing or picking at blind pimples might exacerbate them.
  • Employing appropriate skin care products: Use only non-comedogenic—that is, non-pore-clogging—makeup, lotions, and creams.
Can blind pimples get big?

Dr. Young adds that you can also experience some edema.

Apart from not coming to a “head” or surface above the skin, blind pimples can also be red, sensitive, and larger than a typical pimple, says Carmen Castilla, MD, a clinical professor at Mount Sinai and dermatologist of New York Dermatology Group.

Are blind pimples hormonal?

Don’t suffer in silence if you believe that you may be experiencing hormone problems or sensitivity to skincare products, sunscreen, or makeup, especially if you have blind pimples.

Are blind pimples hard or soft?

They are typically sore to the touch and have a hard lump-like sensation.

A blind zit can occasionally swell and turn red. Most nodules stay “blind”—that is, they don’t have a whitehead or blackhead—even after they swell. Once a blind pimple develops, you will probably experience some discomfort.

What color are blind pimples?

Blind pimples are typically rather red, especially if the skin around them has grown inflammatory or infected.

Not every blind pimple, though, is obvious.

Does toothpaste help blind pimples?

Toothpaste does not work as a pimple remedy. If you frequently get pimples, you should think about starting an acne treatment plan.

Prescription and over-the-counter acne drugs, as well as acne products, assist in treating and preventing pimples.

Maintaining clear skin can be achieved by regularly applying these treatments.

Does putting toothpaste on a blind pimple help?

In addition to having no apparent effect, using toothpaste on a pimple could be harmful.

While toothpaste and acne treatments are two different items made for different purposes, they do share some bacteria-killing qualities.

Can I pop a blind pimple with a needle?

Never attempt to squeeze or pop a blind zit. This causes further inflammation and raises the possibility of infection by pushing the oil and germs deeper.

Scarring from acne can also result from picking at or squeezing a blind pimple.

Does Vaseline help blind pimples?

A lot of people on the internet say that slugging, or slathering Vaseline all over your face, is a treatment for cystic acne.

Health consulted board-certified dermatologist Ted Lain, MD, of Austin, Texas, regarding this questionable assertion.

In summary, Vaseline does not cure acne.

Why are blind pimples so painful?

The primary distinction is that in the event of a blind pimple, the infection becomes deeply embedded in the skin; as a result, pressure may build up and result in discomfort.


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